❝We strive to research and develop new products that will make a real difference in transdisciplinary sciences such as smart functional textiles, energy from renewable sources, and computer sciences❞. 
Team DeepTech Engineering 

Our Research 

Pushing beyond the limits of knowledge and believing in science is our joyful obsession,. We relish fundamental discoveries and practical applications alike. As longstanding academicians and industrial experts, we also value research as a potent form of learning by doing.

Experimental measurements and computational research is the foundation of our sustainable research seeking for efficient engineering solutions while raising new questions to pursue research and transfer know-how in indsutrial reallife applications to contribute to the climate friendly and sustainable regional development.

Artificial Intelligence (AI) Applications

AI methods are effectively used in interdisciplinary research to achieve an accelerated prediction workflow, improve understanding, optimise analyses, raise new questions, and seek new answers. This will adopt a successful human–computer interaction approach and establish a collective intelligence system based on the elements “What is being done?”, “By Whom?”, “Why?” and “How?”. We successfully implement sophisticated AI methods together with experimental data and traditional computational engineering in our research and development.

High-Performance Materials

Tackling the next sustainability frontier of materials requires high-performance, enhanced life time and innovative functionalties. If materials face inceneration or simply are wasted,  thats value that otherwise could be used in another application and efficiently.  Our experts research on the whole chain of high-performance materials using innovative conceps for material and fabric development as well as implement advanced computational optimisation methods to improve design and processes of machinery and emerging manufacturing technologies.


Towards an environmentally friendly hydrogen economy, emerging technologies within the Power-to-X chain play a significant role. Reaching CO2 targets for 2030 and beyond requires cross-sectoral changes as well as interdisciplinary research and development to connect typical stages of the energy chain through generation, distribution and utilization, and the applications. 

Since more than a decade our scientific team members have been focusing on climate neutral green hydrogen technologies obtained from regenerative sources.

© DeepTech Engineering

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